Slow Travel je naša filozofia

Slow Travel is our philosophy


1. Slow movement
2. Traveling
3. A local guide - the key to slow and real travel


Местный гид_local guide

 Slow movement

Fast lifestyle - the reality of the present. You know it. All your life as if from a fast, you want to catch everything and you don't have time for anything. Work, family, fast transfers, fast food, responsibilities. A fast-paced lifestyle that has been transferred from everyday life to travel in style “I want to see as much as possible in the shortest possible time”. But the world is changing, the world has never been static but dynamic, undergoing constant change and development. And maybe right now it's trying to slow down. Being fast is OUT! To slow down is IN.

The philosophy of Slow movement was born in the late 80's, but the main promoter of this idea is considered to be Carl Honorés, the world-famous author of the international bestseller In Prais of slow published in 2004 and translated into 30 languages.

The idea of Slow movement emphasizes the cultural shift to slow down the pace of life, or to adjust the value scale in the field of consumption and is applied to various spheres of life. Slow food, slow enjoyment of food as a counterpoint to fast food, Slow cinema, highlighting the artistic genres of film as a counterpoint to commercial fast cinema, Slow fashion as a counterpoint to seasonal fast-changing trends, simply "slow" as a counterpoint to the mass consumer fast lifestyle and consumption.






туристический путеводитель_tour guide

 Slow travel

The idea of slow movement can also be applied to travel. And it is not only possible, but also increasingly popular in the world. Traveling doesn't just mean a vacation once a year, during which you lie on the beach all the time. Traveling is something more. Traveling is a philosophy, a lifestyle, traveling will show us new horizons and the knowledge that there is a different "normal" than the one we are used to. Everyone is used to their "normal", their "standard". We live in different countries, in different natural, cultural or geopolitical conditions, in different traditions and social ties. Each of us is used to their own - our "normal". Everyone has their own lifestyle, which we consider normal, and each of us has a different one. And it is travel that opens our horizons, enriches our spiritual life because we also get to know another "normal" than the one to which we are accustomed. By traveling and exploring, we transcend the limiting boundaries of an individual's daily life and perceive the world from a broader context, a bird's eye view, from an airplane's perspective, on as many "normals" as we can visit. Traveling is not just about a vacation at sea, traveling means getting to know people, cultures, customs, local foods and local specifics that we will never understand until we meet them face to face. Traveling enriches our mental life and affects our view of the world, in which we discover its uniqueness and diversity at the same time. Traveling affects our spiritual growth! Traveling has a magical power and miraculously affects a person's spiritual development. It has the ability to break down barriers in us, the ability to heal our worries and afflictions, and the ability to make us happier!

Travel can give us so much, so why hurry?  For so many bonuses that it gives our lives, travel deserves more than the hunt for cheap tickets, the hunt for filling out a scratch map and chasing for visiting as many countries as possible and flying over places like on a speedboat.

Traveling is not about quantity, but about quality. More and more people understand and profess the philosophy of slow travel and the idea that "faster is not always better"!

Slow travel means not to travel so that we can see and visit as many places as possible, but to see, experience, taste, hear, feel, i.e. fully enjoy traveling with all your senses, enjoy the moment of presence and authentically experience the landscape!

Путеводитель по городу_tourist guide

 Local guides is based on the idea of slow travel, because who will show you the authenticity of a country and places better than a local guide?

- Travel not to visit as many places as possible, but to get to know and enjoy countries in a quality and thorough way

- Don't try to catch up as much as possible, instead enjoy the moment of presence as deeply as possible

- Live in the present and in the moment, stop chasing quantity.

- Feel the atmosphere of differentness and uniqueness of each country

- Put yourself in the lives of local people

- Listen to the tones of local music, the bustle of everyday life

- Taste as many traditional dishes and local foods as possible

- Visit not only the center full of tourists but also the countryside and more remote parts full of locals

- Visit local markets instead of supermarkets

- Simply travel authentically, for real and most importantly with your heart and feel your every step

All this, this authentic experience can be provided by a local guide, because a local guide is a right key to getting authentic and experience! Secret nooks and crannies, the most beautiful attractions, the best dessert in town, or the best cafe, local foods that you can recommend and short paths that you would never walk through on your own. Who else knows their city, its traditions and secrets better as a local guide.

Find your local guide on to wander the world even today, and most importantly - travel slowly, with heart, with feeling and above all authentic!





Local Guide - the key to discovering authentic and real life

Not even the best travel guide in the world is better than a local guide! Real and authentic experiences, secret places, local foods and the most beautiful attractions. Let those who know it best show you the destination of your dreams!

Secret paths, proven tips and ideas, top attractions, or the best coffee or dessert in town. Only a local guide can reveal the secrets of the city, about which you will not find information in any guidebook. He will save you time, money and enrich you with many experiences that will stay in your memory!

Register for FREE and book your local tour guide! You will have authentic and real memories that you will never forget!

professional tour guideprofessional tour guide​​​​​​​

Why become a tour guide?

  • You don't have any experience? If you know your city, its history, the most beautiful attractions, local foods - don´t hesitate and become a guide! Who else could show your city to travelers better than you! You can also work as a guide in addition to your job or your studies - just register as a guide, fill in your profile and you'll be receiving new opportunities right in your inbox!


  • Are you a professional guide? So don't hesitate and join us, a community of guides around the world. Register, create your profile, upload your certificate and make yourself known on the largest database of tour guides from around the world. Travelers are looking for you and your experience!  Create your profile today and don't miss a single opportunity.


Become a tour guide

Because you know your city best

Because you do what you enjoy

Because you have extra income

Choose your destination

Choose your dream destination, choose a local guide and discover your country, discover the world!

"Life is like a book, the one who doesn't travel seems to have read only one page.”


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4. 11. 2020

Здравствуйте, я из Москвы. Мы с друзьями хотели бы побывать в…

3. 11. 2020

Hi there! In spring ( after corona restriction) I would like…

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